
Chipp Walters chipp at chipp.com
Thu Jan 12 01:20:27 EST 2006

Hi Sarah,

On XP, I'm able to successfully:

put the externalcommands of this stack

(using a not yet released external) but it does work.
Perhaps your external is not pointing to the correct place? I would 
guess it's not if you can't see the externalcommands.

Rev 2.6.1

Course it's not Mac.


Sarah Reichelt wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have an app and I set the main stack to use the revSpeech bundle as follows:
>     set the externals of stack "efMain" to tAppFolder &
> "/externals/revspeech.bundle"
> Am I doing something wrong? How can I test what external commands are
> available or is this broken in 2.6.1?

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