Spam:Re: Index for Revolution PDF Document

Judy Perry jperryl at
Mon Feb 20 13:27:38 EST 2006

This reminds me of an ACM article I'm having the students read this week
(It's something like 'Text vs Hypertext: Which is easier to use to find
information' or some such thing).

It involved two groups with reference material on Sherlockiana -- one
group had all the info in a Hypercard stack and the other had the same
material in a book/encyclopedic reference format.

The test subjects were given a list of questions and timed as they found
the answers.

It would be interesting to repeat it with my students -- one group using
the built-in docs and the other using Dave's indexed PDF...

(considering the idea...  anybody got any good questions?)


On Mon, 20 Feb 2006, David Burgun wrote:

> It depends on if you are "using" the document or just proof reading
> it. If you are using it, then it makes finding things really easy.
> All you do it enter a word or phrase like "mouseStack" and it will
> return a list of all the occurrences with a rating bar similar to
> spotlight. Then you just double click the line you want to see and it
> instantly pops up in the PDF file.
> I'm "using" the document and have found it makes finding things much
> easier/quicker.
> Cheers
> Dave

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