Extracting Images from a http:// page

David Burgun dburgun at dsl.pipex.com
Fri Feb 10 08:42:40 EST 2006

Hi Again,

Thanks a lot that worked just fine! The extract below reads thru the  
URL list and flashes each image in an Image Object. However, I can't  
seem to set the imageData, only the fileName. I don't want to hold  
the image as a reference, but rather I want to import the image into  
the stack. Is this possible? Uncomment the "set the imageData" line  
below and comment the "set fileName" line, I just get a blank image.

   put myURLList into field 1

   repeat for each line myImageLine in myURLList
     put offset("src=" & quote,myImageLine) into myFromOffset
     add 5 to myFromOffset

     put offset(quote,myImageLine,myFromOffset) into myToOffset
     put myFromOffset + myToOffset - 1 into myToOffset
     put char myFromOffset to myToOffset of myImageLine into myImagePath

     put myURLBase & myImagePath into myImagePath
     --set the imageData of image 1 to  url  "binfile:" & myImagePath
     set the fileName of image 1 to  url  "binfile:" & myImagePath
     wait for 0.5 seconds
   end repeat

Any ideas???

Thanks a lot
All the Best

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