
Robert Presender rpresender at
Thu Feb 2 19:32:38 EST 2006

Hi Rob,

It has been a while since we 'talked'.  Thanks for you input.

On Feb 2, 2006, at 7:58 AM, Rob Cozens wrote:

> Hi Bob,
>> I have a substack to create a menubar. Its card  consists of a group
>> of 14 menu btns
>> each with their own icon ids and names. The size of the group is the
>> same as the size of the stack (800/45).  The stack doesn't have a
>> menubar of its own.
>> [snip]
>> Upon creating a standalone, only the btn names appear but  clicking on
>> a btn name,
>> the icon appears with it's btn name.
> I presume the icon images reside in the substack (Y/N?).

Icons reside in another substack.  start using stack "Images" is in 
handler of the menubar stack.

It should be noted, as I indicated in my original message, that if I 
use the icons without btns, the icons show up in the standalone.  With 
btns, the btn name appears in the middle of the window. When the name 
is clicked, the name drops down and the icon appears as it should with 
the btn name.  Don't understand the shift in appearance.  The height of 
the btns fit ok into the stack height as shown that it works in 

I also tried different style for the btns.  No help with this either.

As a last resort, I would have to have two substacks. One with the 
icons and the other with names of the icon.  Rather not go that way.

> When does the standalone main stack explicitly open the substack?

Upon opening the standalone, the splash screen is shown followed by an 
About followed by a Reminder substack. A btn handler on the Reminder 
card has
go stack "BaseMenu", close stack "Reminder".

> What happens if the following handler is in the substack stack script?:
> 	on preOpenStack
> 		repeat with x = 1 to the number of buttons
> 			set the icon of button x to (the icon of button x)
> 		end repeat
> 	end preOpenStack

No help with the above handler.  Any other suggestions?

Regards ... Bob

> Rob Cozens, CCW
> Serendipity Software Company
> "Keep hope alive!"
> -- Rev. Jessie Jackson

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