A problem with Return in a field

Robert Brenstein rjb at robelko.com
Tue Dec 12 05:40:35 EST 2006

On Dec 9, 2006, at 6:45 PM, Charles Szasz wrote:

>I have been working on my project since June. I almost done but I 
>ran into an unexpected problem. When the user enters a raw score of 
>two digits in a field and presses the Tab key, the cursor goes to 
>the next edit field as it is supposed to do. When the user presses 
>the Return key after entry of a two digit number, the number is 
>pushed off to the left and the cursor remains in the field.  This 
>happens despite the autotab being set to true and no list behavior 
>is checked.
>Here is a sample script from my project:
>ON keyDown whichKey
>   IF whichKey is a number THEN
>     IF the selection is not empty THEN delete the selection
>     IF the length of me < 2 THEN
>       pass keyDown
>     ELSE
>       answer information "Numbers cannot be longer than two digits."
>     END IF
>   END IF
>END keyDown
>ON closefield
>     IF field "yrFld" > 4 AND field "yrFld" < 12 AND fld "msFld" > 62 THEN
>         answer information "The total raw score is incorrect for a 
>age of " && fld "yrFld" &" years!"
>         put empty into me
>         focus ON me
>     ELSE
>         IF field "yrFld" > 11 AND field "yrFld" < 20 AND fld "msFld" > 63 THEN
>             answer information "The total raw score is incorrect for 
>a age of " && fld "yrFld" &" years!"
>             put empty into me
>             focus ON me
>         ELSE
>             IF field "yrFld" > 19 AND field "yrFld" <60 AND fld 
>"msFld" > 57 THEN
>                 answer information "The total raw score is incorrect 
>for a age of " && fld "yrFld" &" years!"
>                 put empty into me
>                 focus ON me
>             END IF
>         END IF
>     END IF
>END closefield
>The first script limits the input of  2 digit numbers only. The 
>second script is flagging the possibility of an incorrect raw score 
>being entered for certain ages. Some of the fields have a raw score 
>limit based on the age of the child. For this example, children aged 
>5 to 11 years, the total raw score can be only 62. for students in 
>the age range of 12 to 19, the total is 63 and for adults (20 to 59 
>years) the total is 57.
>The questions remains is why does the Return key does not act as a Tab key?
>Charles Szasz
>cszasz at mac.com


If you want to trap return you need 4 handlers in your field

on returnKey
on enterKey
on returnInField
on enterInField

They complent each other. The simplest is for them to call a common 
handler to simulate tabbing to the next field.

I also wonder whether you really, really need the keyDown handler if 
you do input verification in closefield anyway. Just add a check for 
a valid number there before other checks.


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