QT Movie NoteTaker

jeffrey reynolds jeff at siphonophore.com
Tue Apr 18 11:38:42 EDT 2006


He great little app! I am about to start an exhibit project and we  
will be creating a whole bunch of small videos (in dv) for the  
exhibit over the course of a year and the video editor is on the  
opposite coast, so this will really come in handy! I love little apps  
like this that fill a small but great need simply and cleanly! we  
have struggled with this in the past, you just made our lives a  
little easier! Nice use of rev!

Next feature request could be to do the opposite where you could load  
someones note file along with the movie and click on the time code in  
the notes to jump the movie there for review and posting a set of  
reply comments!


jeff reynolds

On Apr 18, 2006, at 9:48 AM, use-revolution-request at lists.runrev.com  

> Thanks to all of your help, I have released a beta (alpha?) of my
> first Rev project, a freeware utility called QT Movie NoteTaker.
> Not sure if it will be of any use to many of you, but here's the info:
> http://dvcreators.net/ws/qt-movie-notetaker
> It still has a ways to go, but it is a useful tool if you need to
> take notes on QT movies.
> I will be asking more questions soon, there are several things I
> just can't get to work...

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