Building Standalones with Panther/Tiger

Peter Reid preid at
Thu Sep 22 19:26:55 EDT 2005

>Stupid question: How do you transfer the apps from one computer to 
>the other? Are you using stuff-it to pack it before transfer? Have 
>you tried a memory stick or CD-R with an uncompressed app? I have 
>seen that behaviour with a broken stuff-it version before 
>(Jaguar/Panther in that case).
>All the best,

Direct network connection - I have a PowerMac G4 running Tiger and a 
PowerBook 15" running Panther on the same network.  My development 
system is the PowerMac G4, but my main client is still on Panther so 
I keep my PowerBook on that.


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
E-mail: preid at

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