Clipboard madness

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu Sep 22 18:18:06 EDT 2005

MisterX wrote:
 > that's still doesn't explain why you can't:
 > - copy from a stack with no menubar and when the revmenubar is there
 > - use the script editors menu shortcuts when you are in the script editor
 > - why copy wont work with control-c or control-ins - there's only one
 > stack...
 > - why other rev shortcuts work when the revmenu doesn't (there's a
 > backscript called revshortcuts but it doesn't help)
 > - why it's not enough to activate a window with a menubar but you 
 > have to click in the menu to make it listen to your shortkeys (script 
 > eg)
 > sorry, but I got the hardened fingers to prove this anyway you want...
 > Is this working wrong only on PCs maybe again?

Some of these things are bugs that have been reported in Bugzilla 
already. I was only addressing your comment about how command keys don't 
work if there is not a related menu item. I think the current behavior 
is correct in that respect.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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