OT: Phishy Paypal -- reinstalling OS helps?

Chipp Walters chipp at chipp.com
Wed Oct 26 13:31:23 EDT 2005

Very interesting topic.

I've been using Windows since '95. I've got an always on internet 
connection on 2 machines connected to the internet for at least the last 
10 years. Granted, I do use the free version of AVG virus protection, 
and I am behind a firewall/router, which just makes good sense these 
days. I use the built-in popup blocker in Firebird and Thunderbirds 
automatic bayesian junk filter and I run SpyBot once every couple of 
months. Lately, I've left the automatic Windows Firewall turned on 
because that's the default, and it doesn't seem to hurt anything.

So, all my 'protection' software didn't end up costing me anything.

I really can't remember the last time a virus caused me any issue. 
(Knock on wood!) Of course, I did reformat my drive a few months ago 
with a buggy Rev call, but that's a different matter!!!

I'm sure it's about good surfing habits, and not clicking on email 
phishes, etc and using Thunderbird's excellent Junk filtering.

My Mac is rarely connected, but when it is, it uses only the 
Firebird/Thunderbird precautions. Never had any problems there either.

Scott Rossi wrote:

> What's sadly amusing is that TechTV labs (G4TechTV) did a non-scientific
> test of setting up three new, out of the box unprotected systems in their
> offices and connecting them to the Internet: one running Linux, one Mac, and
> one Windows.  The Windows system was accessed and hacked in about 4 minutes.

I'm sure every script-kiddy in the world watching that show was pinging 
that machine trying to get in.

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