Browser Fields

Roger Guay irog at
Thu Oct 13 13:55:50 EDT 2005

Hello Jesse,

I have done a limited amount of this kind of thing in a curriculum  
development tool that we've built for teachers at a local Seattle  
school.  I've not had a great deal of experience using Rev., so my  
work would no doubt be perceived as unsophisticated . . . at least by  
some.  Nevertheless, I would be happy to share what I've done with  
you.  This project is a fairly complex application, and I don't have  
time to trim it down for general distribution.  So, just email me  
directly, and we'll work something out.

Cheers, Roger

On Oct 13, 2005, at 6:46 AM, use-revolution-request at  

> Message: 3
> Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2005 12:40:22 +0800
> From: Jesse Sng <jsng at>
> Subject: Browser Fields
> To: How to use Revolution <use-revolution at>
> Message-ID: <p06210201bf7394de9d3a@[]>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"
> Hi,
> Has anyone attempted to implement the kind of browser set of fields
> that you see in iTunes and in the OS X Finder? I need to design
> something like that for a particular application that will allow the
> user to browser a hierarchical set of data that is partitioned into
> categories and subcategories.
> Currently, that's set up as a series of hierarchical folders and
> subfolders on the file server and I want to provide an easy way for
> them to browse and then use the data files.
> Jesse Sng

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