HC Home handlers

MisterX b.xavier at internet.lu
Sat Mar 26 02:22:55 EST 2005

Here you go Mickey.

Note that they are adapted from the XOS core so some things may refer to some functions like stackname() which i didn't edit... but it should be obvious

the searchscript wasn't checked or verified but should work...


on BX
  edit script of this bg
end BX

function BgScript abg
  if there is a bg abg
  then return Script of bg abg
  else return script of this bg
end BgScript

on CX c
  edit script of this cd
end CX

on ss p,stkName,srchFiltr
  if stkname = "" then put the short name of this stack into stkname
  put the number of lines in stkname into scount
  repeat with x = 1 to scount
    lock messages
    searchScript p,line x of stkName,srchFiltr
  end repeat
  answer "Search script done!"
end ss

on ssinuse what
  ss what,the stacksinuse & cr & "xos","stack only"
end ssinuse

on mss p
  ss p,the stacksinuse,"Stacks only"
end mss

on SearchScript p,stackName,srchFiltr
  if pattern = "?" then
    put "searchScript <pattern [[or][and][not] pattern]>,stackList,[[not|only] [stack[s],bg[s],[cd[s]]fld[s]|btn[s]]]"
    exit searchscript
  else if pattern = "??" then
    put "searchScript <pattern [[or][and][not] pattern],[stacklist],[[no] bgs|cds]|[[not][stack|bgs|bg fld|bg btn|cds|cd fld|cd btn]"
    exit searchscript
  end if
  -- search ALL scripts of a stack for a 'pattern' of characters
  -- search filter allows to filter out scripts to search
  lock Recent
  push cd
  if p = "" then -- get search string from the user
    ask "Search for what string?" with ScriptFindString -- ᆴ
    if (it = "") or (the result = "Cancel") then exit searchScript
    put it into p -- otherwise use it as the search pattern
  end if
  -- put in global so just use CMD-F in editor for easy find
  put p into ScriptFindString
  lock Messages
  if stackName <> "" then go to stack stackName
  -- Note: if stackName = "" then we search the current stack
  local stackscripts,bgsscripts,cdsscripts
  local bgscripts,cdscripts
  local bgfldscripts,bgbtnscripts
  local cdfldscripts,cdbtnscripts
  put "not stack" is not in srchFiltr into stackscripts
  put "no bgs" is not in srchFiltr into bgsscripts
  put "no cds" is not in srchFiltr into cdsscripts
  put "not bgs" is not in srchFiltr into bgscripts
  put "not bg fld" is not in srchFiltr into bgfldscripts
  put "not bg btn" is not in srchFiltr into bgbtnscripts
  put "not cds" is not in srchFiltr into cdscripts
  put "not cd fld" is not in srchFiltr into cdfldscripts
  put "not cd btn" is not in srchFiltr into cdbtnscripts
  if srchFiltr is in "stacks only stks only stack only stack scripts" then
    put true into stackscripts
    put false into bgsscripts
    put false into cdsscripts
  end if
  if srchFiltr = "bgs only" then
    put false into stackscripts
    put true into bgsscripts
    put false into cdsscripts
  end if
  if srchFiltr = "cds only" then
    put false into stackscripts
    put false into bgsscripts
    put true into cdsscripts
  end if
  -- search the stack script of the stack
  if srchFiltr = "" or stackscripts then
    if the script of this stack contains p
     then edit script of this stack
  end if
  -- search the background scripts and objects of the stack
  if srchFiltr = "" or bgsscripts then
    put the number of bgs into bcount
    repeat with curBkgnd = 1 to bcount 
      go to cd 1 of bg curBkgnd
      if srchFiltr = "" or bgscripts then
        if the script of this bg contains p
         then edit script of bg curBkgnd
      end if
      if srchFiltr = "" or bgbtnscripts then
        put the number of bg btns into bbcount
        repeat with curBgBtn = 1 to bbcount
          if the script of bg btn curBgBtn contains p
           then edit script of bg btn curBgBtn
        end repeat
      end if
      if srchFiltr = "" or bgfldscripts then
        put the number of flds into fcount
        repeat with curBgFld = 1 to fcount
          if the script of fld curBgFld contains p
           then edit script of fld curBgFld
        end repeat
      end if
    end repeat
  end if
  if srchFiltr = "" or cdsscripts then
    -- search the card scripts and objects of the stack
    put the number of cards into ccount
    repeat with curCard = 1 to ccount
      go card curCard
      if srchFiltr = "" or cdscripts then
        if the script of this cd contains p
         then edit script of this cd
      end if
      if srchFiltr = "" or cdbtnscripts then
        put the number of btns into cbcount
        repeat with curCdBtn = 1 to cbcount
          if the script of btn curCdBtn contains p
           then edit script of btn curCdBtn
        end repeat
      end if
      if srchFiltr = "" or cdfldscripts then
        put the number of cd flds into cfcount
        repeat with curCdFld = 1 to cfcount
          if the script of cd fld curCdFld contains p
           then edit script of cd fld curCdFld
        end repeat
      end if
    end repeat
  end if
  pop cd
  lock Messages
  lock Recent
end SearchScript

on mss p
  ss p,the stacksinuse,"Stacks only"
end mss

on xy
  local lastxy
  repeat until the mouseClick
    get the mouseLoc && "  horz:" & the mouseH && "  vert:" & the mouseV
    if it is not lastxy then
      put it
      put it into lastxy
    end if
  end repeat
end xy

on se  --  type "se" into message box
  -- Requires XWindow: Script Editor
  ask "Set script editor font type to:" with "Monaco" -- ᆴ default value
  if the result = "Cancel" or it = "" then exit se
  set scriptTextFont to it
  ask "Set script editor font size to:" with "9" -- ᆴ default value
  if the result = "Cancel" or it = "" then exit se
  set scriptTextSize to it
end se

on nav
  palette "Navigator"
end nav

on c
  select this card of the topStack
  palette "Properties"
end c

on b
  -- ??
end b

on s
  select the topStack
  palette "Properties"
end s

on mw
  get "message Watcher"
  if not the visible of window it
  then show window it
  else hide window it
end mw

on vw
  get "Variable Watcher"
  if not the visible of window it
  then show window it
  else hide window it
end vw

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