compileIt for revolution?

Joel Guillod joel.guillod at
Fri Jun 24 16:47:18 EDT 2005

> From: Dan Shafer <revdan at>
> [...]
> Then my second favorite language was Python. The GUI-building tools
> for Python are pathetic to non-existent. But the language is powerful
> and elegant and extends naturally. If the PythonCard project I was
> engaged in before I discovered Revolution had been on a fast track or
> complete, odds are I'd have never used Rev.

Didn't you know about wxDesigner to generate the Python code for GUI? 
There is also a very new Boa Constructor upgrade...
Yes, Python is lacking for an IDE, i.e. "Integrated" tools for coding 
and designing GUI!
I expect an integrated Python external but as the SDK is so obscure...

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