Another Doc Thought

Dan Shafer revdan at
Tue Jul 26 01:21:59 EDT 2005

It may not be all that obvious but one of the reasons there's not  
better documentation on SOME of the things in the Rev IDE is because  
someone knows they're going to change in an upcoming revision and  
doesn't want to spend gobs of time documenting something that will  
soon be obsolete.

I KNOW that's the case about at least one aspect of things because  
the RR folks were kind enough to steer me away from a project I  
thought of a while back by warning me that it would be changing in an  
upcoming release.

Already my first book is, while not obsolete, at least a little aged  
because of IDE UI changes that took place between its release and the  
2.6 product.

That's one reason I hate to write printed books these days. An eBook  
can be published and then updated as needed one time at no production  

Dan Shafer, Revolution Consultant and Author
Get my book, "Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought"
 From, Click "My Stuff"

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