[WARN] Inserting Any Plugin in the AltPluginToolbar

Stephen Barncard stephenREVOLUTION at barncard.com
Mon Jul 25 12:08:21 EDT 2005

Why not make your plugs compatible with Chipp's Alt Bar, since you 
don't have a 'bar' of your own? He's described what's needed for that 
to happen online and invites other developers and it appears really 
easy. The auto-update feature works great and many of us have gotten 
used to the 'bar'. I use many of your plugs and it sure would make 
updating easier. Also there is a method of adding plugs to altBar 
that are outside of the plugin folder completely, which currently I 
do with no side effects. It's just a drag that the auto-update 
feature is not there for those plugs.

There really is no 'architecture'. they're still just plugins.

 From Chipps's site:

"Also, altPlugin does not modify anything in the current RunRev IDE. 
No frontscripts are inserted. The intention is to make altPlugin 
'transparent' to the IDE."


>Hi all,
>Lately Bob Earp asked for some 32*32 pixels icons in order to insert 
>"non Chipp's" plugins into AltPluginToolbar.
>At first, I did not realised what it could mean...
>To be inserted in the (great :-) AltPluginToolbar, other plugins 
>have to be compliant with Chipp's architecture.
>Plugins from So Smart Software were not designed to be compliant 
>with Chipp's architecture.
>So, I just want to warn anybody that such an idea (interesting at 
>first sight) can lead to many unexpected issues.
>Best Regards from Paris,
>Eric Chatonet.

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