Rev CGI argumets for ISP

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Mon Jul 25 00:46:03 EDT 2005

Richard Gaskin wrote:

> My understanding is that manu ISPs don't install all of the libraries 
> one would install for desktop use, and that three (?) of those are 
> needed for Rev to work as a CGI.
> Did this change in a recent version?

I don't know, but probably not. When I first started with CGIs at my 
ISP, they were missing two libraries. I think Ken Ray had the same two 
missing on his. Other people have reported only one missing. I guess it 
depends on the hosted installation.

The good part is that you don't have to know ahead of time. The CGI 
script will error and then you check the error log. The missing 
libraries will be listed there, so all you have to do is holler at the 
ISP and tell them to get those installed.

Someone once told me you don't even need the real libraries; that all 
you need are empty text files in the right place with the right names. I 
don't know if that is really true, since my ISP went ahead and installed 
the ones I was missing.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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