OT-distribution to MAC OS 9.1 users

Ben Fisher boinjyboing at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 23 19:01:00 EST 2005

>Any clue on how to proceed from here? Meanwhile back to search for some 
>location on the internet where and old copy of StuffItExpander is still 

Hi Sannyasin,

I know exactly what you mean. It's hard to find classic software these days. Also I suspect that e-mailing will not work because Resource forks are typically not sent correctly. 

I happen to have a couple of old stuffit expander versions on an old mac. I'm not sure about the version though. Just e-mail me boinjyboing at hotmail.com<mailto:boinjyboing at hotmail.com> and I can e-mail them to you.

try this, looks promising.


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