Prograph (was Re: MacWorld part 2)

Dar Scott dsc at
Sat Jan 15 23:01:42 EST 2005

On Jan 15, 2005, at 5:41 PM, Paul wrote:

> I see. I am re-writing my Buzz-o-sonic program (frequency analyzer for 
> measuring impulse-excited materials) in LabVIEW. I have not done much 
> with RunRev yet - except a diary app I hope to release when I get the 
> time. Are there any user lists like this for LabVIEW? This user list 
> is one of the best things about RunRev.

There was back when I was a LabVIEW hotshot.  Check with your NI rep or 
check at the NI web site.  In my glory days I was an Alliance member 
and programmed LabVIEW for both Mac and Windows, but my licenses are so 
old, I now use customers' licenses.  Revolution is expensive but it 
beats going LabVIEW on two or three platforms.

     DSC (Dar Scott Consulting & Dar's Lab)
     Programming Services and Software

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