MacWorld part 2

Pierre Sahores psahores at
Sat Jan 15 13:51:42 EST 2005

Hello There,

Le 15 janv. 05, à 16:24, James Richards a écrit :

> On 14 Jan, 2005, 2005 18:07:59 -0800, Richard Gaskin wrote:
>> Part of Appleton's motivation for creating SuperCard was his feeling
>> that textual programming, such as scripting, offered much greater
>> expressiveness.
>> Seems us scripters don't have it so bad after all. :)
>> --
>>   Richard Gaskin
>>   Fourth World Media Corporation

XTalk is still the onest development paradigm able to let us build a 
fourty different screens web app in less than 100 kb of code (PG 
backend management included)... and it's just why we are right in going 
head with Rev instead of any 10 years to old programming concepts, Java 
or Labview avatars included. Last year, i went back to the university 
to get an up to date computer science master. I got it successfully 
but... i did'nt learn any real usefull think in the courses ! Why ? 
Just because the teatchers are payed to form "slave level only 
engeniers", the kind of hard coders that are sharing the same knoweage 
all over the world, the kind of people that are never going to become 
free and (et little to expensive) experts able to build great apps by 
them self without having to depend from others, the company they are 
working for included...

If Rev make us, day after day, more  reliable developers, it's probably 
because the more experimented we are becoming, the less we are coding 
because each progression in design and conceptual terms help us to do 
always more, faster and securly in less code. Rev is my first 
designer's and main development framework and i just love to use it 
each day. Thanks to all Scott, The Rev Team and our so elegant and kind 
lists community.

Best Regards,

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

psahores+ at
sc+ at

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Pro:      +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:      +33 1 64 45 05 33


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