translation ready, more questions

Robert Brenstein rjb at
Sun Feb 27 16:15:16 EST 2005

>>It sounds to me like you might have an additional trailing return after the
>>text. The reason I say this is that in my simple test, it works as expected.
>if I write:
>put return &"blahblahblah" after field 1
>and later
>delete  last line of fld 1
>a new last line comes on the same place as the deleted one.
>put return & return & "blahblahblah" after field 1
>and later
>delete  last line of fld 1
>a new last line comes 1 line lower as the deleted one.

In the first case, you insert a single line but in the latter case 
you inser two lines (one empty) but you delete only one of them.


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