Comment on editing front scripts

Mark Talluto userev at
Fri Feb 11 14:22:39 EST 2005

On Feb 11, 2005, at 10:52 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> This reminds me of an annoyance:  as noted in the docs somewhere, 
> sometimes script errors in frontscripts or backscripts are not 
> reported properly as such, instead pointing to the non-inserted script 
> that called it.
> Why is that, and how hard would it be to fix?

Ahhh...Now if we could have reliable script errors in every instance, 
life would be much easier.  I noticed this problem as well.  I did a 
dance of beeps, put [insert variable here], exit [insert handler here], 
and wait 2 seconds to figure out where true problems arose.

Best regards,
Mark Talluto
CANELA Software

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