What Just got Clicked

Todd Geist tg.lists at geistinteractive.com
Fri Aug 26 23:37:16 EDT 2005


I have been playing around with ChartMaker from Flexible Learning.  It is a
very cool little tool!

Todd Geist
G e i s t   i n t e r a c t i v e

Once my chart is created, I would like to be able to "drill down" on the
graph elements.  So I need to know which of the slices of pie I just clicked
on.  The chart is a group of graphics and fields.  And I know I can add
MouseUp Handlers to the the graphics, but the Chart is recreated each time
the data is refreshed so it would wipe out my handlers.

Is there some way either to add the MouseUp Handlers via script after the
chart is in place?

Or is there some way for the card to know which slice of the pie was clicked
On?  Is there some property that is set with each object that a message
passes through?

I am flailing about here   :<(

Does any of this make sense?




Todd Geist
G e i s t   i n t e r a c t i v e 

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