Well done runrev. valentina

Lynn Fredricks lynn at paradigmasoft.com
Tue Apr 26 10:45:05 EDT 2005

> And a tip of the hat to the good folks at Valentina, as I 
> suspect they had a hand in their web site too. :)
> They've been very helpful to Rev folks using their DB, and it 
> is indeed nice to see them get more public about the great 
> support they've been providing the Rev community for years.

Thanks, Richard! And just to let you all know, Valentina 2 for Revolution is
on the visible horizon.

Over the last two years, Paradigma Software has undergone a number of
changes, both technological and business. Our friends at Runtime have been
very supportive, and the support is about to pay off.

With Valentina 2 for Revolution, we will continue the single connection
pricing and configurations we have always had, with significant technology
improvements. You can find core technology improvements here:


The improvements have been significant, and in response to our customers
needs around the world. We have made signficant technology improvements to
provide the best solution for Japan and international business.

We've also introduced Valentina Developer Network, which will allow royalty
free deployment of multi-user, client-server applications. Valentina
Embedded Server is automatically initialized to support five simultanous
connections. These can be extended by any number of connections or with an
unlimited connection version, on a per-deployment basis. 

These extensions to Embedded Server are ONLY available to VDN members, so it
keeps the developer in control of the customer relationship.

VDN was set up to support *our customer*, the developer, in the relationship
with the end user of *their* solution. This reflects growing concerns in the
custom software and system integration market of big vendors trampling on
relationships to try to direct sell.

We've been improving both the business and technology. I hope Revolution
developers will take the opportunity revisit Valentina 2, especially with
the impending roll-out of Valentina 2 for Revolution.

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Paradigma Software, Inc

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