Director shortcomings; Rev/altBrowser the solution?

Tony Bray ahbray at
Mon Sep 20 21:23:01 EDT 2004

On 21 Sep 2004, Van Esch, Stephen (Bolton)" <svanesch at> wrote:

> Here (according to our Director developer) is the rundown on where 
> Director
> is apparently falling short when it comes to developing the product we 
> need.
> Can anyone tell me if Rev can solve these problems or if we're 
> overlooking
> something in Director?

The very short answer to your question is "Yes, Director can do all 
that you require."

The slightly longer answer is "You, or a team of yous, will have to 
learn the full capabilities of Director"

You will also need to know how to use xtras (XCMD, XOBJ equivalents). 
You may have to re-think some of your ideas with text formatting, etc. 
Director can display, search and control PDFs ( with a good xtra). A 
browser can be opened within Director and HTML/XHTML/XML displayed.
Director can do incremental searching on list of items.
Dynamic lists can be generated and the options that a selection from 
that list can be dynamically changed (open a Browser, go to a new 
screen, run a AVI, Quicktime, RealMedia, Flash, open another Director 
movie alongside the current movie etc,etc).
Directors built-in 3D will allow you to FULLY interact with any model 
within your 3D world (not only, zoom, rotate,pan, but if the model has 
Bones or Keyframes then animate the model. Change a models textures on 
the fly and many other things.) and yes you can select a model and 
"jump" to a URL or open a file or whatever.

The real problem that you have is the learning curve.

I have been using Director for approx 12 years and would find your 
development to be a challenge, but I don't know of any other software 
program that would be capable of doing all that you require in one 
package. As far as I am aware niether XHTML nor Rev has built-in 3D ( 
and I have used Hypercard, MetaCard and SuperCard since 1987).

Just my $0.05


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