Empty menu items

Mark Talluto userev at canelasoftware.com
Thu Nov 4 16:45:58 EST 2004

On Nov 4, 2004, at 1:37 PM, Éric Miclo wrote:

> Hello,
> I did found why Revolution create empty menu items, it's when you set 
> a property to a menuItem that doesn't exist.
> The real problem is tthat I have an app with several stacks that do 
> have each a different menu bar. On opening a stack or resuming it I 
> set the properties of the menuItems of the stack.
> But when a stack is resumed there is a big problem because when I look 
> at what is the current menuBar it is not the one of the current stack 
> but the one of the previous topStack, even if I set the menuBar in the 
> "on resumeStack" handler.
> Does anybody have an idea why the current menuBar is not the one of 
> the current stack or how to get it set well?
> Thanks, best regards,
> ÉrIC

Look into the defaultMenuBar property in the docs.  This may be what 
you are looking for.

Best regards,
Mark Talluto

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