Getting desperate with loops/repeats

Ken Ray kray at
Fri Mar 19 20:06:42 EST 2004

> Thanks - it works sometimes, but unfortunately not everytime. Do a simple
> repeat while 1 = 1 # obviously true most of the time
> put 0 into mynullvar
> end repeat
> ... and try breaking it with "strg-." (ctrl-.) on Windows. It _may_ 
> work, but it won't do so reliably (Taskmanager calling ...)

Well, a loop like that is too doesn't really give Rev an opportunity to
respond to the keyboard very well. Longer loops (i.e. more statements in the
loop) will be more responsive, FYI. 

Just my $0.02,

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Email: kray at
Web Site:

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