Tasking (Background tasks)?

Frank Leahy frank at backtalk.com
Thu Jun 10 02:14:06 EDT 2004

On Jun 10, 2004, at 4:27 AM, use-revolution-request at lists.runrev.com 

> From: "K" <nnoydb at excite.com>
> Subject: Re: Tasking (Background tasks)?
> To: use-revolution at lists.runrev.com
> Message-ID: <20040610024443.C5DACAFAD4 at xprdmailfe5.nwk.excite.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> This is not something that easily use the send in time construct.  I 
> do not wish to waste the run-time a send in WAG requires.  What is the 
> approiate construct to use so that several very intense repeat loops 
> will get equal time?  I have been using wait for messages which did 
> not function as I would have expected.  It seems that wait for 
> messages only allow "new" habdlers to proceed nut does not yeild 
> control to a handler already running a repeat construct.  Maybe this 
> is a question I should ask of the RR support.  Any ideas?
> Kevin


There are no light-weight threads in RR, so there is no way to do what 
you want to do (it's too bad too, because it would be very useful).  I 
suppose you could write your own pseudo-threading, but unless they're 
fairly simple tasks I doubt it would be worth the effort.

Can you give an example of the kinds of tasks you're running, and why 
the first can't run to completion while the second waits?  Presumably 
the final completion time will be the same (i.e. t1 + t2).

-- Frank

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