Problems with standalones mac/windows

Andrew alw918 at
Thu Jan 15 20:19:06 EST 2004

Hi, List.  I had a couple of questions which I hope you wouldn't mind 
answering.  I posted these before, but they didn't show, so sorry if 
they appear twice for some reason.
I recently made a game using the trial version of Revolution.  I made 
standalones for mac, mac os x and windows so I can put them on my site 
for my friends to download.  There are problems with each version.
The two mac standalones simply don't download.  It just shows all the 
code in the browser window.
The Windows standalone does download, but there is a problem with the 
gameplay: In my game, when you hit any key, an "ask" box is supposed to 
appear.  However, for some reason on the Windows standalone of my game, 
nothing happens when you hit a key.
Any ideas why I'm having these two problems?
Thanks so much for all of your help!

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