Bug's to be fixed in next version

Ken Ray kray at sonsothunder.com
Sun Feb 8 18:21:53 EST 2004

> On Sunday, February 8, 2004, at 01:51 PM, Ken Ray wrote:
> > I don't think you're viewing the bugs correctly. Take a look at the 
> > email from Mark Chia called "Bug Database Changes Completed" - the 
> > "Target Version" popup is to be used for the version that a 
> bug *was 
> > resolved in*, not the one where the bug *will be resolved*.
> I read Mark's mail as saying the "Tqrget Version" as being set by the 
> assignee, in particular, when the bug is fixed.  The meaning of 
> "target" is key in that case.  At an internal interim 
> release, the bug 
> is set as CLOSED.  I am assuming that the meaning of "target" is 
> dropped when a CLOSED bug is associated with a release that has 
> actually been released, that is, at that point the meaning is some 
> particular release not a future one or a hoped-for one that the word 
> "target" might imply.
> That is, the meaning of "target version' depends on 1) whether the 
> status is RESOLVED/FIXED or CLOSED/FIXED and 2) (I think) whether the 
> specified version has been released.

Sort of, but here's the idea... a bug that is being worked on has a
target version of "---"; once the assignee has fixed a bug, they set it
to the upcoming release version (which they should know). 

> Even so, there does seem to be a backlog of work to get the 
> database up 
> to where it should be.  In particular there are a large 
> number of fixed 
> bugs with a target of "---".  I feel confident that these will be 
> resolved and eventually bugzilla will be in sync.

Yes, that's the plan... :-)
> Some time ago my father-in-law ran across some bug in Netscape.  I 
> checked on the mozilla fixes to get a clue and found that there were 
> two people fixing bugs each putting back the bug the other fixed in 
> order to fix his own.  That is unlikely on the RunRev team, 
> but I think 
> the workflow closing step would minimize the impact of such a 
> conflict.


Thanks, Dar!

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Email: kray at sonsothunder.com
Web Site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/ 

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