identify broken images

Claus Dreischer claus at
Sun Dec 26 18:11:40 EST 2004


i have a small problem i don't see a simple solution for.
Maybe someone here has one.

I want to display JPGs from file, so i make a

put URL ("binfile:" & my_file) into image "im_1"

This is working OK.
But when the JPG in the filepath my_file is faulty (broken download 
or something)
The above line displays an empty image "im_1".

I now want to identify these faulty images.
I tried the following with no result:

if the imagedata of image "im_1" is not empty then ...

if image "im_1" is not empty then ...

if the length of image "im_1" > 0 then ...

Has anyone an idea how to identify an "empty" image?
(its not realy empty but nothing is displayed)


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