resize in browse mode

Bob Hartley rev at
Sun Dec 26 17:18:06 EST 2004

At 12:59 26/12/2004, you wrote:
>Hi All.
>I think it is called browse mode. Here is what I want do do.
>I have a field in a stack that I want to resize (not is edit mode but in 
>use mode).
>I want the end user to be able to resize it by dragging the corner of the 
>field (say bottom right corner).
>  In the documentation there is a command to alter the size of something 
> but this is a defined size. I want the user to be able to create and 
> arbitrary size of their own choosing but I cannot see the command.
>this will be called by pressing the alt or other key.
>I was thinking of something like this
>on mouseDown
>    if the altKey is down then
>      resize me
>      end if
>end mouseDown

I just tried
on mouseDown
   if the controlKey is down then
     set the bottom of 1004 to me
   end if
   end mousedown

No result yet.

Still searching the docs and google... :-)


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