REV, RB, SC speed test, Latest results

Chris Yavelow Chris at
Tue Apr 20 01:51:23 EDT 2004

It made sense to start using real data: a 120,000-word target file, 
and a list of 915 search strings. Those are now available with the 
updated projects here: Another new 
feature is that  I divided the task into 3 segments (Load Data, Check 
Matches, Display Data). The latest results follow. Revolution is 
currently running this particular task THREE TIMES FASTER than 
RealBasic, and more than TWELVE TIMES FASTER than SuperCard.

Chris Yavelow

Revolution (2.2) -- Total = 1,118 ms
Load data = 19 ms
Check Matches = 821 ms
Display All = 278 ms

RealBasic (5.5.1) -- Total = 3,189 ms
Load data = 608 ms
Check Matches = 833 ms
Display All = 1748 ms

SuperCard (4.1.2) -- Total = 13,472 ms
Load data = 0 ms
Check Matches = 11952 ms
Display All = 1520 ms

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