Help with paste...

Chipp Walters chipp at
Thu Apr 8 22:55:12 EDT 2004

Would someone else please verify this.

Open up two separate copies of Rev (any version past 2.1 will do)

type into the msg (don't hit return)


select the text and cut it

go into the 2nd copy of rev and paste it into the msg.

In my copies of Rev, the ';' is missing. This only happens when 
copying/pasting between rev apps, not within a single rev app.

This happens to me on XP and Rev. Could someone please try this using 
the MC IDE so I can tell if it's an IDE problem or an engine problem.

Also, if this doesn't work for you, please post as well, the OS and RR 
vers you're using. It will help!

btw, there is a kludge workaround fix..

trap the paste somehow (ideas?)

put the clipboardData["text"] into tClip
set the clipboardData["text"] to tClip



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