Saving encrypted customProperties outside the app?

Mark Brownell gizmotron at
Sat Sep 27 16:07:00 EDT 2003

On Saturday, September 27, 2003, at 01:00  PM, Alex Rice wrote:

> On Saturday, September 27, 2003, at 01:22  PM, Mark Brownell wrote:
>>  So money might act like an energy booster.
> But is it drinkable? ;-)

ah! poison. That might work for today.

Thanks for the links. I guess I just miss the days when I could go 14 
to 16 hours a day for weeks at a time writing all original concepts or 
original procedures. I wrote rev_blowfish while in this burnt state of 
mind in less than a couple of weeks, and that was while learning about 
the encryption algorithm and learning transcript for the first time. 
After I finished that it took months to get back in the saddle. I'm 
just getting my grasp around integrated MTML (extensible markup tags) 
within an htmlText WYSIWYG editable text field, that is the user sees 
styled text but has the ability to add more style changes or extensible 
markup while viewing the text in the rendered state. I've successfully 
integrated extensible markup within Rev's HTML rendering capabilities 
and done it so that the user can edit existing text with WYSIWYG tools 
without damaging the existing extensible markup. I've done what some 
XML inventors have dreamed would happen to XHTML but really never got 
supported much by innovated browser technology. Although I did most of 
this before in Director, RR has made doing many things easier, faster, 
and in some cases even possible. It was never possible doing this in a 
user friendly manor within Director. I just finished this capability 
this morning, it represents a major milestone for me so after the 
football game I think I'll go celebrate. It is Saturday isn't it?


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