Rev Player

Peter Reid preid at
Wed Sep 24 14:03:00 EDT 2003

>>I have produced a small number of CBTs for a UK government
>>organisation who need to validate all executables for security
>>reasons.  Supplying a single player with add-on stacks makes life
>>easier in this respect. It is easier to persuade public sector
>>customers that they are only running a single program with
>>downloadable modules than it is to say they need to allow an
>>increasing number of new executables.  They get twitchy about the
>>security implications of new EXE files!
>>Also, it minimises network traffic if each client workstation has a
>>single player installed which is set up as the helper-app within the
>>browser so the user can download any of a number of CBT stacks
>>without having to download the player engine each time or have to
>>decide what to do with an executable (with attendant "security
>>warnings" from their browser!).
>Peter-have you got a sample player we could look at?

I'm sorry that I don't.  What I failed to make clear is that I did this 
previous development using MetaCard before I switched to using 
Rev.  MetaCard supported a Player approach - you simply ran the usual 
engine but without a valid "" licence file. When run without the 
licence file, MetaCard can be used only for running "*.mc" files and not 
the development environment, i.e. it functioned as a Player not a 
development tool.

The Player consisted of the "mc.exe" file (1.3Mb) plus the "" 
(881Kb) support file.  I promote this way of working with a free giveaway 
program on my web site - CoalBurner, a simulation of a coal-fire power 
station, which I produced to help my younger son with a school 
project.  You can see and download this from my web site if you're 
interested (  It 
includes a brief description and support for the use of a Player plus 
downloadable stacks.

Best regards


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited
71 Leconfield Rd, Loughborough, Leics. LE11 3SP, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843   Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
Mobile: 07778 632533
E-mail: preid at

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