Strange script tags retrieved with PUT URL calls on PC

Rob Gould rgould8 at
Mon Sep 8 15:27:00 EDT 2003

I'm getting some strange script tags (below) being retrieved from 
Revolution's PUT URL command (but only on PC).  If I run this same 
Revolution stack on a Mac, I do not get these lines of code within my 
app.  I've tried this on Rev 2.03 and Rev 2.1.

The data is consistantly being retrieved, whether I'm running as a 
standalone stack, or within authoring mode, but ONLY on Windows.  Even 
if I do a

put URL "", I get this code, or, or 
anywhere I'd go.  Any idea why I'm seeing this?  Do I need to deactivate 
some http header-display flag when authoring for windows?

What I'm seeing, below:

<script>; function PrxNullWin(){this.window;} 
function PrxOpen(url,nam,atr){return(new PrxNullWin());};</script>

<script> function NoError(){return(true);} onerror=NoError; </script>
<script> function NoBox(txt){ return(1);} window.alert=NoBox; 
window.confirm=NoBox; window.prompt=NoBox;function 
<script> function moveTo(){return true;}function resizeTo(){return 

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