Drivers for Firebird/Interbase (Was Re: JDBC instead of ODBC)

Bernard Devlin revolution at
Sun Oct 5 19:20:00 EDT 2003

>>Where does one view (and vote for) these feature requests?

>In Bugzilla: 
><>. To file 
>an enhancement request, click "Submit a new bug report or enhancement 
>request", and set the Severity rating to "Enhancement".

>(You'll need to sign up for a bugzilla account first - just click 
>"Create a new account".)

Kinda weird, but thanks Jeanne :-)  I wouldn't have thought to submit an 
enhancement request through a bug-reporting facility.  And I must have 
missed the advisory that non-Enterprise users could submit bugs (I 
remember emailing Heather last year that it was a bad idea to not 
encourage bug-reports from all users).


Rooting for Revolution!
(but really needs an overhaul)

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