Sort, Find, RawKeyDown ... / diacritical problems.

Emmanuel Companys mcompanys at
Thu Mar 6 03:29:00 EST 2003

Le jeudi, 6 mars 2003, à 06:35 Europe/Paris, erik hansen a écrit :

> how about Scandinavian?

See my post (yesterday 10:58 western european). I tried to make a 
complete account of the problem.

For scandinavian, as far as I know, I suppose you should do theese 
ä = æ > azz, ö = œ = ø > ozz, å > azzz, "thorn" > tzz, "edh" > dzz
the other diacriticals ignored (ü > u, for instance)
and or course lower case = upper case.

If you are dealing with many languages you can write a function handler 
with a language parameter. I found it more convenient to directing the 
program to language specialized sub-handlers, rather than using 
complicated inbedding IFs.

If you would like a copy of my post just ask. I didn't want to bother 
everybody in the llist by reproducing my long mail. You also can 
download my "Polylexis" from my iDisk public folder, and see how the 
system works with 9 different languages.



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