Missing Color in StandAlones

R. Hillen mail at richard-hillen.de
Wed Jul 30 13:47:37 EDT 2003

Hello list,

On MacOS X 10.2.6 with Rev 2.0.2 just after downloading I didn´t succed 
in building a colored standAlone.
This are my steps:

1. step
Start Revolution
File / New Mainstack
Object/Stack Inspector/Colors & Patterns/Background-Color = Blue/ Close 
Inspector Window
-> stack Color becomes blue
File/Save as "Test"
Quit revolution

2. Teststep
(double-Click on test.rev shows a blue stack in the 

3. Build Distribution
Start Revolution
File/Build Distribution...
Standalone Name "test"
Build for Max OS X

Files to include: "test.rev"
true: automatically set stackFiles on mainstack
false: other options

Inclusions: Ask Dialog, Answer Dialog, Cursors;
Image and pattern libraries: standard Icons
other options false

Make inclusions substacks of main stack true

Build distibution

Quit revolution

4. Test Application
DoubeClicking on standalone "test" shows white stack.

My Question: Why?

Thanx in advance

Richard Hillen.

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