More send in time

Ken Norris pixelbird at
Tue Jul 1 11:36:00 EDT 2003

Howdy Cubist,

> From: Cubist at
> Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 04:15:29 EDT
> Subject: Re: More send in time

This is the core changes you made:

> if within(graphic "upScrollArea", mouseLoc()) then
> set the vScroll of fld 1 to ((the vScroll of fld 1) + 1343) mod 1345
> else if within(graphic "downScrollArea", mouseLoc()) then
> set the vScroll of fld 1 to ((the vScroll of fld 1) + 1345) mod 1345
> end if

This appears to cause it to scroll 2 pixels at a time in the UP direction
(fast but not smooth, and fixabable by turning '1343' into '1344'), but it
doesn't work at all in the DOWN direction (nothing happens).

So, what I did was change line 4 to say:

  set the vScroll of fld 1 to ((the vScroll of fld 1) + 1345) mod 1344

...which makes it work, apparently correctly because it doesn't jump or
anything. I guess it starts it going down (in the correct direction for the

What say ye about that?

Ken N.

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