list of file paths and copying these files to new directory

Bob Hartley bob at
Thu Dec 4 06:54:48 EST 2003

Hi all.

I've been checking the rev online manual all morning (I wish it was a pdf 
to download) and I cannot figure out the commands I should use. I've only 
been using revolution for about 10 hours max over the last week (and I now 
bought it)

We have a microscope that outputs massive files 3x150Mb. It also has a 
merge image file that is a duplicat of these ie 450Mb. We normally can 
generate about 10-20Gb of data/ session. This is transfered to a shared 
network drive. Naturally If I can create an app that will search a users 
directory and only copy the necessary files that would reduce the amount of 
data and prevent the shared network drive from filling up.

With the help of the subscribers I have managed to use this script to 
directory walk and place the file-paths of a selection of these files into 
a list box for checking.

Here is the script for reference

global gHierList
on mouseUp
   put empty into gHierList
   put empty into field 1
   answer folder "Pick a folder you want to walk:"
   if it is empty then exit mouseUp
   set lockCursor to true
   set cursor to watch
   directoryWalk it
   filter gHierlist with "*raw*.pic"
   sort gHierList
   put gHierList into field 1
   put number of lines of fld 1
   set lockCursor to false
end mouseUp

on directoryWalk whatFolder
   set the defaultFolder to whatFolder
   put the files into temp
   repeat for each line x in temp
     put whatFolder & "/" & x & return after gHierList
   end repeat
   put the folders into tDirList
   repeat with x =  2 to the number of lines of tDirList
     directoryWalk (whatFolder & "/" & (line x of tDirList))
   end repeat
end directoryWalk

OK I assume that the URL list (see middle box on ) placed in field 1 via put 
gHierList into field 1 can be controlled by asking what filepaths are in 
gHierList and copying them to a destination folder.

All the examples I can find (docs and google) refer to single files of 
known path and destination
revCopyFile "/Disk/myfile","/Disk/Folder/"


put URL "binfile:/Disk/myfile" into URL "binfile:/Disk/Folder/myfile"

What I need is code, that when a button is clicked, will copy (or move) the 
files listed in field 1 or gHierList (which ever the list is in) from the 
source directory to a directory of the users choice.

I assume that to chose a destination directory you would use.
on mouseUp
   answer folder "Please choose a folder:"
end mouseUp

Once I get this sorted I can spend lots of time practicing myself on other 
projects. AND I won't be such a pain in the neck. :-)
Also I will develop this as an app to search directories for filetypes and 
copy them.

Any ideas?


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