stack trace vs. pending messages, etc.

Alex Rice alex at
Thu Oct 17 21:34:01 EDT 2002

On Thursday, October 17, 2002, at 05:22  PM, Jeanne A. E. DeVoto wrote:
> The pending messages shows the queue of messages that have been sent 
> with a
> time delay by the send command. Check out "send", "pendingMessages", 
> and
> "cancel" in the Transcript Dictionary for more info. (There will also 
> be
> some script examples in the upcoming version that show how this 
> feature is
> used in more detail.)
> The Rev development environnment uses this quite a bit, but it's not a
> debugging tool per se.

Thanks for the description.

What about a stack trace? Does Revolution have anything like that? It 
it possible to generate a stack trace from transcript?

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
alrice at
alex_rice at

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