why the heck does this not work??????

Chipp Walters chipp at chipp.com
Fri Nov 15 22:29:01 EST 2002

Hey Oliver.
I see you are (often) frustrated. Profanity isn't necessary in order to get
a quick answer in this forum. Here's a suggestion which might help (it
helped me early on learning about RR). I spent some time reading the
archives for RR and MC. It's amazing what you can find there. Takes a few
hours, but there are some very informative posts!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: use-revolution-admin at lists.runrev.com
> [mailto:use-revolution-admin at lists.runrev.com]On Behalf Of Oliver Hardt
> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 7:32 AM
> To: use-revolution at lists.runrev.com
> Subject: why the hell does this not work??????
> gals and guys:  i am pretty much pissed off right now.  below is a
> snippet of code that is driving me nuts.  this code simply displays
> something on the screen and then *should* ask the user whether that
> should happen again or whether the program should go on and do
> something else.  this response is get using "answer question".
> 	so far, so straightforward.  in the code, the "put
> flushEvents ..." and "set the cursor ..." lines or just in because i
> thought they might solve the problem,  but they didn't.
> 	and this is the problem: the "answer question" dialogue ONLY
> pops up, when i run the stack from within RunRev UI (i.e., i start
> RR, and then use the File menu to open the stack).  it *doesn't* pop
> up, when i simply double click the stack icon on my desktop (RR is
> not loaded when i click).  all this happens under OS X 10.2.2.  WHAT
> 	please help me!!!  thanks, olli.
> repeat
>      lH_clearDisplay
>      lH_Instructions
>      put flushEvents(all) into lDummy
>      set the cursor to hand
>      answer question "Again?" with "NO" or "YES"
>      put it into lAnswer
>      if it is "NO" then exit repeat
>    end repeat
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