scale bar

meili bmmeili at
Sat May 11 15:56:01 EDT 2002

hi Klaus
first thanks a lot for your advice.
Your second script works properly, but the first one does the same as my
script was doing all the time: It only works sometimes.

I think there is a problem with the value being displayed along with the
scale bar: If you can read "2" or "5", so you can read these values on the
screen, but your computer can't, because 2 is not 2 and 5 is not 5 (value on
the screen = trunc (xy), but the value your computer works with <> trunc(xy)
but something like 2,13).

Maybe with have to deal with a bug here.

Your second script is O.K., because it works with < and >, which also iclude
the values > 2 and < 2.

So far my considerations about the problem.



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