scale bar

Klaus Major k_major at
Sat May 11 08:58:01 EDT 2002

Hi Martin,

> hi
> I want different answers depending on a scalebar-position to be 
> displayed by
> an answer-dialogue. What's wrong with the following script:
> on mouseup
>   put the thumbposition of me into ThumbVal
>   if thumbVal = 1 or 2 or 3 is true then
>     answer "1,2,3"
>   end if
>   if thumbVal = 4 or 5 or 6 is true then
>     answer "4,5,6"
>   end if
> end mouseup
> Martin

looks like you mix to many incorrect expressions here.

Try this (the long, but correct way):

on mouseup
   put the thumbposition of me into ThumbVal
   if (thumbVal = 1) or (thumbVal  = 2) or (thumbVal  = 3)  then
     answer "1,2,3"
   end if
if (thumbVal = 4) or (thumbVal  = 5) or (thumbVal  = 6)  then
     answer "4,5,6"
   end if
end mouseup

BUT you can have it much shorter (and save hours of typing ;-)

on mouseup
   if the thumpos of me < 4 then
      answer "1,2,3"
      answer "4,5,6"
   end if
end mouseup

Hope that helps...


Klaus Major
k_major at

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