record sound on a Mac

Ken Norris (dialup) pixelbird at
Fri May 10 11:45:01 EDT 2002

on 5/10/02 7:05 AM, Mark Talluto at fuegox at wrote:

> if there is a directory "recordings" then
> else
> create directory "recordings"
> end if
This is in about the middle of your handler. It's apparently missing a line
of code. If you copied it directly from your handler, then the handler may
have a problem. The way it is, it looks like it will always try to create
another directory with the same name, which means MC may be trying to pull
from several directories with the same name, or try to 'attach' more
recordings to the same directory, either of which will confuse the info it's
supposed to be sending to tPath.

However, if you _typed_ it into the email, then it may just be a typo here.
Check it out.

Best regards,
Ken N.

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