value conversion utility

Rob Cozens rcozens at
Mon Jun 3 09:38:01 EDT 2002

>Has anyone written a value conversion (Hex, bit, signed, unsigned, 
>etc. )utility in Revolution?

Hi Kurt,

I have not, and decided not to put conversion routines in my library 
because I've never used the conversion extensions I wrote in 

FWIW, here is CompileIt! source to convert positive base 10 integers 
to any base from 2 to 35 and vice versa:

function decimalToX theNumber, numberBase
   -- Returns a numberString that uses base numberBase notation to 
reresent integer theNumber
   put theNumber + 0.0 into realNumber -- CompileIt types theNumber as 
string...convert to real
   put theNumber + 0 into myNumber -- CompileIt types theNumber as 
string...convert to integer
   if realNumber - myNumber is not 0 or myNumber < 0 then return 
"Number not a positive integer"
   put numberBase + 0 into myBase -- CompileIt types numberBase as 
string...convert to integer
   if myBase < 2 or myBase > 35 then return "Invalid number base"
   put myBase into checkSum
   put 0 into x
   repeat until checkSum > myNumber
     put myBase * checkSum into checkSum
     add 1 to x
   end repeat
   put empty into numberString
   repeat until x = 0
     get myBase^x
     put myNumber div it into theDigit
     put myNumber mod it into myNumber
     if theDigit > -1 and theDigit < 10 then put  numToChar(theDigit + 
48) after numberString
     else put numToChar(theDigit + 55) after numberString
     subtract 1 from x
   end repeat
   if myNumber < 10 then put  numToChar(myNumber + 48) after numberString
   else put numToChar(myNumber + 55) after numberString
   return numberString
end decimalToX

function xToDecimal numberString, numberBase  -- could benefit by using handles
   -- Returns the decimal equivalent of a numberString that uses base 
numberBase notation
   put numberBase + 0 into myBase -- CompileIt types numberBase as 
string...convert to integer
   if myBase < 2 or myBase > 35 then return "Invalid number base"
   put 0 into theNumber
   put myBase + 55 into tooMany
   repeat with x =  1 to length(numberString)
     put myBase into theDigit
     get charToNum(char x of numberString)
     if it > 47 and it < 58 then put  it - 48 into theDigit   -- "0" to "9"
     else if it > 64 and it < tooMany then put it - 55 into theDigit 
-- "A" to upper digit
     if theDigit >= myBase then return "Invalid Digit"
     put theNumber*myBase+theDigit into theNumber
   end repeat
   return theNumber
end xToDecimal

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."

from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)
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