revPrintText Answers

Rob Cozens rcozens at
Sat Jun 1 18:51:01 EDT 2002

>  >* At least 30% of this handler could be eliminated if I could find a
>  >way to set the font & size Transcript uses when printing plain text.
>You can specify a template field from which the font, size, and style are
>   revPrintText myText,myHeader,myFooter,the long name of field "Example"

Hi All,

That one piece of information let me cut the handler size by 50+% 
(from 44 lines to 21 lines).  I was so pleased, especially since the 
handler no longer goes to the library stack, that I added logic to 
allow five page number placement options: Top right, bottom left, 
bottom center, bottom right, or none.

on printTable 
   if theLineLength < 1 then put offset(return,theTable)-1 into theLineLength
   if extraMargin is empty then put 36 into extraMargin else add 36 to 
   set cursor to watch
   if addedSpaceWidth is not empty then put justifyString(" 
",addedSpaceWidth) into theSpacer
   put empty into newTable
   repeat for each line tableLine in theTable
     put char 1 to theLineLength of tableLine into tableLine
     if addedSpaceWidth > 0 then
       repeat with x = the number of lines of addedSpaceLocations down to 1
         put theSpacer after char (line x of addedSpaceLocations) of tableLine
       end repeat
     end if
     put tableLine&return after newTable
   end repeat
   set the printMargins to extraMargin,108,extraMargin,36
   set the textSize of field "Text Formatter" of card 1 of stack 
"Serendipity Library.rev" to theFontSize
   revShowPrintDialog true,true
   switch pageNumberPosition
   case "UR" -- Upper right
     revPrintText newTable,(the short 
date)&tab&"<b>"&theHeader&"</b>"&tab&"<%pagenumber%>",,the long name 
of field "Text Formatter" of card 1 of stack "Serendipity Library.rev"
   case "BL" -- Bottom left
     revPrintText newTable,(the short 
date)&tab&"<b>"&theHeader&"</b>","<%pagenumber%>",the long name of 
field "Text Formatter" of card 1 of stack "Serendipity Library.rev"
   case "BC" -- Bottom center
     revPrintText newTable,(the short 
date)&tab&"<b>"&theHeader&"</b>",tab&"<%pagenumber%>",the long name 
of field "Text Formatter" of card 1 of stack "Serendipity Library.rev"
   case "BR" -- Bottom right
     revPrintText newTable,(the short 
date)&tab&"<b>"&theHeader&"</b>",tab&tab&"<%pagenumber%>",the long 
name of field "Text Formatter" of card 1 of stack "Serendipity 
     revPrintText newTable,(the short 
date)&tab&"<b>"&theHeader&"</b>",,the long name of field "Text 
Formatter" of card 1 of stack "Serendipity Library.rev"
   end switch
   set cursor to hand
end printTable


Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."

from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)

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