Editing Menu Groups

Karl Petersen karlpet at mac.com
Tue Jul 9 10:53:01 EDT 2002

At 5:44 PM -0700 7/8/02, Dan Shafer wrote:
>I open the Menu Tool, click "edit" select the menubar in the 
>resulting list, and it shows up in the editor, but its name is 
>grayed out and none of its buttons appears in the list. The *only* 
>way I've been able to find to edit this sucker is to remove its 
>background behavior property in the property window, then edit it, 
>then set it back. Is that really how this works?

That's not the normal behavior, Dan. I've never seen that. Here I'm 
allowed to edit a menubar group without first turning off its 
backgroundBehavior property.

I poked around a bit trying to force the graying out of a menu, but 
had no luck. No idea what might cause that.


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