Passing parameters to a handler

Bill Vlahos bvlahos at
Wed Jul 3 16:17:01 EDT 2002

I can't seem to get passing parameters correctly.

When I execute this cascade button script:
	on menuPick graphMe
	  plotChart "graph2"
	end menuPick

to the handler in the Card script:
	on graphClicked n, x, y
	  set the bottomLeft of field "graphpoint" to the mouseLoc
	  put (x - trunc(x)) * 60 into mTime
	  put trunc(y) & " ms @ " & trunc(x) & ":" & trunc(mTime) into 
field "graphpoint"
	  show field "graphpoint"
	end graphClicked

	on plotChart whichGraph --,chartDimentions
	  hide field "graphpoint"
	  hide group whichGraph

I get an error relating to the on graphClicked handler. Why does it go 
there instead of the plotChart handler?

Bill Vlahos

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