AppleScript functions made easy

Terry Vogelaar terry at
Thu Feb 7 14:41:01 EST 2002

Sorry, there was a bug in the function I mailed this morning when only 2
parameters are used. Here is the improved version:

function AppleScriptFunction aFun, aFile
  put "set theScript to load script (alias "&quote&aFile&quote&")"&return& \
      "tell theScript to "&aFun&"(" into ASfunc
  if paramcount() > 2 then
    repeat with e = 3 to paramcount()
      put param(e) into f
      if param(e) is a number then
        put f & "," after ASfunc
        put quote & f & quote & "," after ASfunc
      end if
    end repeat
    put ")" into last char of ASfunc
    put ")" after ASfunc
  end if
  do ASfunc as applescript
end AppleScriptFunction


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